FERTIMANURE 1st Intermediate Event @MANURESOURCE in The Netherlands โ€“ 12 of May 2022.

FERTIMANURE 1st Intermediate Event @MANURESOURCE in The Netherlands โ€“ 12 of May 2022.

FERTIMANURE organised its first intermediate event on 12 May 2022 on the occasion of ManuREsource 2021. The international conference, which took place in Den Bosch in the Netherlands, had been postponed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This highly successful FERTIMANURE event consisted of two parallel sessions, and two round tables.

The first parallel session gave the opportunity to share and discuss key results linked to nutrient imbalances in the European regions, the market landscape analysis of bio-based fertilisers (BBFs) and the first agronomic performance results of the FERTIMANURE BBFs.

The second focused on the on-farm biorefineries, with an overview of 3 of its 5 pilots located in Spain, the Netherlands and France.

The roundtables for their part focused firstly on a discussion around the consensual definition of what we understand BBFs and TMFs to be, and secondly on the most appropriate methodological approaches to calculating the environmental sustainability of BBFs.

Two further Intermediate Events are planned in Argentina and Poland, with a Final Conference in Catalonia.