
177 project(s) found

Acronym Project Current status Type of project Categories Keywords
Horti-blueC Sustainable up-cycling of agro-, agrofood and fisheries residues in horticulture and agriculture as bioenergy, biochar and chitin-rich products On going European End products, Organic waste End products, Horticulture, Technologies
DEPURGAN Swine-farm revolution Finished European End products, Technology Fertilizers, Pig manure, Technologies
Nutrient Cycling Ecosystem Symbiotic partnership network formed to coordinate companies related to nutrient recycling Finished National Dissemination Business model
STO3RE Synergic TPAD and O3 process in WWTPs for Resource Efficient waste management Finished European End products, Technology Bio based fertilizers, Contamination reduction, Technologies
SYSTEMIC SYSTEMIC recognises Europe’s challenge to tackle the increasing resources constraint and to facilitate the transition towards a more circular economy (COM,2015-614). SYSTEMIC addresses these needs by identifying systemic innovation approaches to recover a On going European End products, Organic waste Biogas, Minerals, Organic wastes, Recycle
Technical and commercial validation of new biofertilizers formulated based on nanobiotechnology Finished International
TransBio Technological transition of the Flemish biogas sector towards innovative business models with increased profitability and reduced support dependence Finished National End products, Technology Anaerobic digestion, Business model
MethaPolSOL Territorial strategies of methanisation to combine climate change, nitrogen pollution and soil quality improvement challenges. Finished National Management, Technology Anaerobic digestion, Crop systems, Fertilizers, Livestock
Biochar-Soil-Plant Interface research The Biochar-Soil-Plant Interface, probing the potential for a sustainable phosphorus fertiliser. Finished National End products Biochar, Fertilizers
GOBI The holistic optimization of the biogas process chain focusing on its operational, material, energetic and ecological efficiency. Finished National Technology Biogas, Digestate, Nitrogen, Phosphorous