For the first time in May FERTIMANURE partners visited the Dutch on-farm pilot plant located in the Achterhoek eastern region of The Netherlands. The pilot at the Arjan Prinsen Farm in Haarlo is now fully operational, recovering nutrients from cattle manure for the production of 5 different bio-based fertilisers (BBFs) to be used in the production of Tailor-Made Fertilisers (TMFs) that are derived from biomass-related resources.
The FERTIMANURE BBFs are “obtained through a physical, thermal/thermo-chemical, chemical, and/or biological process for the treatment of manure or digestate that results in a change in composition due to a change in the concentration of nutrients and their ratios compared to the input material(s) in order to get better marketable products providing farmers with nutrients of sufficient quality”. However, the simple separation of manure into a solid and a liquid fraction (as a first processing step) is excluded. These products are not conceived as BBFs, although they are valuable sources for the supply of nutrients on agricultural land.
Definition of Bio-based fertilisers (BBFs): Bio-based fertili
sers (BBFs) are fertilising products or a component to be used in the production of (Tailor-Made) Fertilisers that are derived from biomass-related resources. The BBFs of FERTIMANURE are “obtained through a physical, thermal/thermo-chemical, chemical, and/or biological processes for the treatment of manure or digestate that result into a change in composition due to a change in concentration of nutrients and their ratios compared to the input material(s) in order to get better marketable products providing farmers with nutrients of sufficient quality”. However, just separation of manure in a solid and liquid fraction (as first processing step) is excluded. These products are not conceived as a BBF, although they are valuable sources to supply nutrients on agricultural land.